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Receipt Safe

Receipt Safe is an app that protects consumers' data and helps them organize their personal documents, so they never lose track of a receipt again.

Time: 2 weeks
Industry: Software
Becky Baker, Founder, Receipt Safe

The challenge

Becky, the founder of Receipt Safe, knew there was a problem in the market with consumers receiving unwanted emails in their inboxes post-purchase of goods or services online and in-store. That’s how she came up with the idea for Receipt Safe, an app to protect consumers' data whilst at the same time helping to organise their admin. Becky thought the idea had great potential but had a very limited budget to build it and test if people liked it. 

She approached Decodifi for support as she knew we specialise in helping very early-stage businesses build and validate app ideas in line with the Lean Startup model.

The solution:

When Becky approached us, she had a clear mission and problem statement she was trying to solve. Like many founders we speak to, she had a very minimal budget and needed some help to understand how to build a minimal viable product to test her idea. As part of our product development process, we did a discovery session that helped us identify the customer problems and design a way to measure the MVP success. 

In this case, we identified the key components that would make Receipt Safe achieve its vision to help customers organise their personal admin and keep their receipts and important information always safe.We worked with Becky to validate the features and technical requirements for the MVP, define the user experience and wireframes, and build a specification document that details all of this information. This blueprint document ensures that we’re creating something customers want and avoids costly changes along the way.

“The team have a very good understanding of the startup landscape. The experience of working with both investors and founders is invaluable. They offered great advice to help us follow an accurate lean startup methodology and validate our business ideas”

Becky Baker, Founder, Receipt Safe

Idea generation

Identified gap in the market

Problem definition

Decodifi Discovery sessions


Strategic objectives

Decodifi product workshops

Design phase

Wireframes and journeys


MVP1 Development

Decodifi no-code build

Beta testing

Testing by beta users


Product iteration

Changes based on user’s feedback

The result:

We build Receipt Safe’s MVP using Bubble, the leading no-code development tool. It is a powerful tool which allows us to develop solutions that are robust, scalable and easy to iterate while preserving budget and time. The build took roughly 2 weeks with some follow-up calls in between to review the progress. The testing was done internally by our development team and after that, the MVP was released to Becky.

Receipt Safe now has a minimum marketable product to get into the general market for wider beta testing and to validate the product market fit with real customers.

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