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Why Startups are using no code to launch their MVPs

The movement towards no-code development is gaining momentum. Let’s look at what no-code app development means and how it might be used in creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

The no code story

The No-Code movement is a term used to describe the rise of no-code app development platforms and services designed to allow business users and end-users alike to create their mobile apps without having to code.

The idea behind no-code apps is that with the right tools, you can build a fully operational mobile application in weeks, not months, for thousands of pounds, not tens of thousands. It’s part of an ongoing trend towards democratising access to technology for everyone – especially non-technical people who may not have access at all otherwise.

The rise of no-code apps

This has been a fast-growing trend over the last few years; according to recent research from IDC, over 7 million developers worldwide were working on mobile apps (iOS or Android) in 2018 – up 34% from 2017 numbers!

This growth makes sense when we consider how much time it takes for businesses these days just trying to keep up with their competitors’ digital marketing strategies – let alone developing their custom applications from scratch. By using these new tools, however – founders and employees have a much lower barrier to entry to test their ideas and solve problems by creating their MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).

What is an MVP?

An MVP is a Minimum Viable Product. It’s a product that is just enough to satisfy early customers, and it can be tested, iterated, and evolved into something greater.

An MVP must still be safe (no one wants an MVP of a new aeroplane engine unless it’s safe!). It should be simple so that it tests the fewest and most significant hypotheses it can, otherwise, it will either never get into the hands of users or you will not be able to judge what is working and what is failing (often referred to as – analysis paralysis).

Different types of MVP´s

A prototype – this could be built in HTML/CSS or even just sketches on paper
A mockup – a wireframe version of the app in which you show the end user what they will experience when using your app
A fully functioning application that tests the smallest number of features that the founder believes solve the problem they have set out to solve.

This is what no-code tools like Bubble are perfect for.

An MVP helps you answer questions like: What features do we need? How should they work? How might users interact with them? Is there too much or too little functionality? This process also helps you assess whether or not there’s any demand for your product before spending money on development.

The goal of an MVP is to test the smallest number of features that the founder believes solve their problem.

Why is No Code such a game changer for MVP delivery?

No code is a game changer for MVP delivery because it allows founders to build their MVPs fast and cheap, allowing them to focus on what matters during the pilot phase – validated learning.

No-code app development platforms allow you to get your prototype up and running fast. This means that you can start gathering feedback within days of building your first screen, which will help you refine your product before spending too much time developing something that no one wants. And because these platforms are cheap, early stage startups can afford to test several ideas before deciding which one will work best in the long run.

This process—validated learning from customers—is crucial for any startup looking to build a scalable business model and take advantage of low-cost opportunities for growth in its market segment or industry vertical.

How do you get started with building your MVP?

Choose the right platform for your MVP
Choose the right features for your MVP
Choose the right technology stack for your MVP
Choose the right team for your MVP

Why are the pilot, defined cohorts of users and measurable KPIs as important as the App itself?

The pilot phase and defining cohorts of users and measurable KPIs are as important as the App itself.

The pilot phase is critical to getting investor buy-in – if you can’t validate your idea through data it will be hard for investors to take a bet on your startup. Even if you have an amazing product, without data that proves there is demand for it, no one will invest in it. Investors expect to see proof from customers that they want what you’re building before they invest in you so make sure you’re getting this right from day one.

Creating an MVP without a clear vision for success or a plan for iterating on the product during and after launch won’t help investors understand how valuable your product really is (or could potentially be). You need to show them how many people use it, how often they use it and how much revenue each user generates so they understand its potential ROI potential and potential CAC/LTV ratio (Customer Acquisition Cost/Lifetime Value). Even if the movements are small, showing that a net promoter score or cost of customer acquisition improves during iterative phases during a pilot is key to showing investors that their investment can create a profitable business at scale. Very few MVPs or app releases will lead to runaway successes or revenue based on a first, second or even third release. Demonstrating that you can work with a strictly scientific and lean methodology is also invaluable to attracting the right investors.

The no-code movement has enabled founders to build their MVPs fast and cheap, allowing them to focus on what matters during the pilot phase - validated learning.

No-code also allows entrepreneurs to focus on developing a strong value proposition for their startup by testing it through rapid feedback from their potential customers. The feedback from interviews and measured user behaviour can be used to refine the value proposition and pivot if necessary. It is a fact that the majority of successful applications end up a long way from what the founder originally thought the solution to the problem was.

In addition, these early adopters will also help you understand how your product will be used in an actual environment. As such, you can make any adjustments needed before going live with the product or service later down the road when you’re ready for a full scale launch.

Over the last couple of years, no-code platforms have also evolved to allow scalable applications with a low cost of ongoing ownership, so that the idea that no-code is purely a prototyping tool is very last decade. Bubble the writer’s choice of platform have now seen multiple businesses raise mouthwatering multi-million dollar Seed A and B rounds with their complete application infrastructure written and scaled in Bubble It is however important that applications are built by people who understand database and application architecture, as even with no code the application has to be written on sound foundations.


No code app development is the fastest and most affordable way to get your MVP off the ground. With no code, you have a working prototype built in weeks and can get it into the hands of users within a couple of months. This gives you time to focus on what matters during the pilot phase; cohort recruitment, pilot design, measurable outcomes and validated learning.

It allows you to test assumptions before investing heavily in building something that may not work at all, and if built and architected correctly, it will scale and iterate cheaply and effectively with your startup.